Foot massager function
A1:The Rolling massage in clockwise direction and change speeds among High-Medium-Low at interval of 16/13/18/13 sec
A2:At first, the Rolling massage in High speed and change directions every 12 sec for 3 times, then it change the speeds among High-Medium-Low-Medium every 17 sec in clockwise
A3:The Rolling massage in clockwise direction and change speeds among High-Medium-Low-Medium-High-Medium-Low at interval of 10-15 sec.
A4:The Rolling massage in clockwise direction and change speeds among High-Medium-Low-Medium-High-Medium-Low-Medium-High-Medium-Low-Medium at interval of 10-15 sec.
C1:Massage in clockwise for 130 sec, then in counterclockwise for 110 sec
C2:Massage in clockwise for 70 sec, then in counterclockwise for 65 sec
C3: Massage in clockwise for 35 sec, then in counterclockwise for 40 sec
Press the Manual button to turn on Manual Mode, then it massage in Medium speed and clockwise direction by default, and now you can press Speed on Direction buttons to choose the massage speed intensity and directions When you press the Speed+ or Speed- button, you can hear the "bee" sound, the Speed is the highest or lowest when you can not hear the "bee".
Size:20 X 14.5 X10.2 in
Weight: 12 lbs